Monday, January 4, 2010

Boat Trailer Ontario Boat Trailer No License...can't Find Previous Owner...what Can I Do (ONTARIO)?

Boat trailer no license...can't find previous owner...what can I do (ONTARIO)? - boat trailer ontario

Hello, I bought a boat and trailer and got a contract for both. When I saw the flat bed, told me that Bill was medium-term objective of selling is not good because it is the same name as the ownership of the trailer. I find the registered owner. What now? What options do I have?


panfish said...

We had done exactly the same. Go to any DMV and get an application. You need to take the trailer, a weighing station to obtain certified documents and then save the trailer at home.

Ӝ said...

Jump to a judge or a notary and a statement on the purchase of the trailer, and sets the MTO. You should provide this information incorporated into the WTO, but as all branches of government efficiency is an afterthought. Good luck.

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