I have PCOS and have very bad fatigue all the time. I have no energy and I feel that after I eat I'm drained?? - fatigue after eat
Is there a connection? I have a problem with fatigue and I was depressed because I am very slow.
I'm only 25: (
All information is appreciated - I would also like more detailed information about PCOS, Tell me about yourself .. They have no one to take into it. Its difficult.
Fatigue and depression are often associated with PCOS. What I should have PCOS (I was only diagnosed my blood - it turns out that my testosterone is high because of the laboratory error, I have, but I've) learned a lot over time. Weight gain can cause increased body temperature hair, male pattern baldness, oily skin, acne marks skin, dark patches of skin, and resistance to insulin. It also causes irregular menstruation or abscent because women with PCOS do not ovulate not often or always. Small cysts tend also to meet and to get an enlarged ovaries and linked together by scar tissue, to be released a hard-boiled egg - often leads to infertility. Infertility in PCOS is caused by scar tissue and the lack of ovulation. Also in the POS an increase in androgen levels - such as testosterone. More, butDepression and fatigue are common.
This is a BBC article about the relationship of a woman with him. You can see this family in their own situation or not. Not all women with PCOS have the same symptoms, and some have very little, almost nothing, but the only thing that is a sign that all women have irregular or absent periods.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/southwest ...
I also remember that I was confused with the word infertility. This does not mean they are sterile, which means you have more wrong with the birth of a child than others. Many women are put on Clomid to trigger ovulation.
Patients with PCOS are also at increased risk for heart disease and diabetes type II
Good luck!
PCOS is not funny. I have since I was 15 and I am now 23 years. which is essential for ovulation is not "hormones" out of wack. You do not have their periods, but the frequency of which are fertile sow really thin. This is above all, it is really difficult when you are dealing. This could certainly explain why you are too tired. When hormones are as they are, can affect different people in different ways. Maybe you want your doctor for a drug called Lupron to ask. The disadvantage is that you can only use it for 6 months, but the positive side, this may also help to regulate hormones, thus ensuring a better life.
Did you check with your doctor? Cause there are so many things that fatigue, nutrition, physical activity can stress, lack of quality sleep can affect hormones and all that, too. If you think otherwise you are taking good care of yourself, sleep well, eat properly, then you are probably really, you should consult a physician. Good luck to you:)
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