What is the homeopathic treatment for wet macular degeneration? - wet macular degeneration more condition_symptoms
Since you asked a homeopathic solution, please do not bother me to get some answers :-) Moronic disadvantages homeopathy!
My friend, homeopathy treats the patient not the disease, you should explain exactly what and how you feel, the name of the disease, whatever that something or our traditional doctors can not give a name facncy thats because they are good, not to invent names only cure for what they do not understand and therefore there is no cure. Sad, but true!
If you tell me exactly how and what you from head to toe, I can homeopathic medicines for the treatment and healing, what you as a "macular degeneration", without side effects or complications prescribe. I am a homeopath and no costs. Please send or email your data if you want to help me. And I would be happy to assist you.
Take care and God bless
You can try the Monavie juice or Pycnogenol or blueberry. These natural supplements have a positive effect on the capillaries of the retina. Let adviser to a healer or a holistic experience with this serious illness.
Good luck and God bless!
Increasing concentrations of intracellular glutathione
Epidemiological studies have shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables help if macular degeneration. It is possible that certain substances in foods, including GLUTATHIONE "contribute", the antioxidant vitamins in the eye.
http://www.whsc.emory.edu/_pubs/em/2000f ...
Eye Center researchers have with Dean Jones, PhD, worked for the conduct of basic research on the effects of antioxidants in the cells of the retina. They have a vested interest in a substance called glutathione.
http://www.eyecenter.emory.edu/macular_d ...
Who cares? Participation in homeopathy is nonsense, his eyes on him.
Macular degeneration is the deterioration of the core region of the back of the eye called the macula and lead to impaired vision. The symptoms may be gradual or abrupt, with objects in general is biased in one eye. After reviewing the degeneration often in the normal eye apprearing also found. Men and women, mostly seniors, the contract for this condition and have only rarely other eye problems. There may be a hereditary link. Since the Statute is the shortage of blood this tissue nurturning typically rich, some scientists believe, is comparable with the decay of brain tissue occurring in senility and arteriosclerosis. Laser treatments are often used to treat advanced cases. A doctor suggested that we meet the May issue of the use of anticoagulants or scar tissue formed in the macula. A supplement can take you to good health and long-term vision called the macula NutraView that contains lutein, blueberry, bilberry, and vitamin C. If you are promoting more than 60, have a look-assessment test will feel for his eyesAnne R. Further additions to the vascular integrity also help.
Do not believe those who say that homeopathy is a valuable treatment. Rarely, if ever, even an MD and I am very happy and healthy.
Incidentally, you can NutraView www.Melaleuca.com
Good luck and good!
There are no established therapies for Mac / sword. I recommend ignoring D. Burke, and see a homeopath in your area. Good classical homeopath multiply everywhere. Please contact w / your city / region, and perhaps there is someone closer than you think! What if the feeling of failure, why European consumers spend more than 30 million euros in it?
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